Monday, May 30, 2011


I wrote this post for Hope you enjoy it too!
Lithuania may remain an undiscovered land for many people in the United States, but it forever has a place in my heart.

Four months in Klaipeda – that city on the Sea – were incredible. What a fast semester! But, at the same time, it was a full semester with enough time to really immerse in the place and people. Looking back, from my home in central PA, I have nothing but the greatest joy that I went to a place that most Americans would at best deem really random.

It’s hard to choose one thing to write about in this blogpost because I am overflowing with memories of the richest kind. At first, when I came home, I spent a lot of time remembering the people I met and the things we did together. I missed (and still do) them very much. I thought of the sauna trips, the bicycle rides, the endless cups of tea and fount of conversation, the hugs, the ways they challenged me, the interesting and valued perspective I brought to them as well and the teary goodbyes.

Further, many silly interactions came to mind. For example, I remember when I had a “cultural exchange” with two of my roommates from Ukraine. They insisted I try salo (basically uncooked fat that is salted or smoked). To an American, this was a really gross suggestion. They were persuasive, though, and I was willing. In return, I insisted they experience American culture by having a PB&J. We made a pact to respect each other's culture and proceeded. The results were that salo isn't so bad and they enjoyed the PB&J! They weren’t thrilled about the PB at first but they came around. [On a side note, Lithuanians also enjoy salo. They call it lašiniai].

"This is what 'strong Ukrainian men have been taking
 with them to the fields for centuries?!'"
"What do you mean
'schoolchildren across US eat this every day?!'"
Now that more time has past, I also spend time remembering Lithuania as a whole (and my trips to Russia, Estonia and Latvia with the program). I think of the Sea, the cobbled streets, the really quirky statues etc throughout Klaipeda, the bus drivers,  the Soviet and pre-Soviet architecture, my LCC community and classes, Lithuania's fascinating history, the snow and mist,  and daily life there. There was so much to discover. Those who know me will attest that I'm a wanderer. Even so, I never ran out of interesting places and things to see.

I saw these "Happy Buttons" at the end of my trip. 
Lastly, I have thought and prayed about all that I learned there. This isn't the place for me to recount all the things that I learned, though. In fact, it's probably best if you go and learn for yourself. 

The last thing I will say, is that Lithuania wasn’t always an easy place to be. Perhaps that is why the place which LT has in my heart is so secure -- most things of real value I have always found to be challenging in some respect. Spending time in a foreign country certainly has its challenges. For instance, it's humbling to have to play by someone else's rules. 

Want to ask this particular blogger any questions? email and they'll hook you up with my info and I'll hook you up with the inside scoop.
Actually you can just leave a comment here and I'll respond!

Monday, May 16, 2011


The windows looking out of my little "seafoam-green" room are open and I can see and hear the fresh world outside that is my home in central PA. The birds are whistling nonsense and sometime soon I'll hear those grasshoppers proclaiming the delights of summer nights - loudly.

I am in a very different place. 

On May 2nd, I traveled home from Lietuva and by random chance went the whole way with Tyler. We stepped out of Karklų bendrabutis at 3:30am into a cool morning which smelt of change. After my last look back at my dear friends (an image which will stay with me for a long time I believe), I turned to follow my swift-footed partner. "Are you ready?" he asked. I breathed deeply and kept walking. Those were the words of our trip back. Again and again we returned to them. I didn't have an answer until standing in the US customs line where I told him, "Tyler, I think I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Maybe it was just the effect of the propagandistic-like movies which welcomed us home on me or maybe I really was as ready as I'd ever be. 

Nevertheless, the transition have been difficult. Several times I've been tempted to call Tyler and tell him that I was wrong. But I never did. Instead, in those moments when I've felt the change the most, I've either A) turned to the same God who was with me from my first moment in Lietuva till my last and right up until now. Or instead I've B) lost myself in nostalgic remembrances of Klaipėda and those whom I dreaded to leave. Here are some of the images that come repeatedly to my mind:

Ieva and I -- on an incredible (rainy) cycling tour in Eastern Lietuva.
Lida, Alla and Tanya on Tanya's birthday
Aurelija, Iveta and I on a huge frozen lake in Finland
With Ieva and the Baltic Sea. Both dear to me.
Clearly, it's the people I miss the most. But it's not simply a transition of people. It's a transition of culture. Of language. Of food. Of location. Of ways of life. Of the little things. It still shocks me that I can eavesdrop on strangers again. That I can put the toilet paper in the toilet. That I can speak with clerks. That people talk so loudly. That strangers smile and greet me. That I can't find light-switches. That I actually like green tea. That I'm thousands of miles away from a beloved place and people that continue to exist each new day without me.

Perhaps I should make more of an effort to follow option A.

So yes, the transition has been difficult. It is worth it though. I love my home, my friends and most importantly my family. I have loved these places and people for a long long time and don't want to be alienated from them. I don't want to be the weird study-abroad kid that Rachel Mac so aptly caricatures in her sitcom. But I also don't want to be the same as I was before I left or as everyone else is just for the sake of having a place or fulfilling what is expected of me. 

May God help me to make the transition, therefore, and also to retain the memories and the newness of life which was added to my own in a beautiful, misty and seemingly far way land